Control and Global Management with AI
Development of comprehensive solutions with artificial intelligence, made up of software and hardware to increase production, security, traceability, monitoring and other solutions to meet the needs of our customers.
The numbers speak for us

Our Services
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Provision of information in the cloud, immediately and in real time, accessible through the client's platform. All the required information is stored, managed and distributed through our online platforms.
Through robotic process automation, we implement virtual robots to automate digital tasks such as: collection, transfer, information entry, management, file storage, and others, saving time, costs, reducing errors and multiplying the efficiency of processes. of customers.
Artificial Vision
Artificial Vision
Implementation of artificial intelligence for the identification of key situations or objects in images or videos, for logistical, security, or production purposes, which accurately manage activities and solve customer needs.
AI Platform
AI Platform
Concentration and processing of the operation management data, in order to generate useful and immediate actions adapted to the activities of the industry.
Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing
We design and manufacture materials and articles for specific applications, based on models adjusted to the needs of the client, designed and developed through precise analysis of the activities of the industry.
Collaborative Robotics
Collaborative Robotics
Automation of processes and exchange of information between the activities and the client's platform, implementing technology that works hand in hand with the collaborators in the resolution of the activities.
Operational Intelligence
Operational Intelligence
Business intelligence and dynamic business analysis based on the management actions implemented for each client, thus generating useful answers to make decisions in the industry.
Production Planning Tools
Production Planning Tools
Deployment of tools for managing customer activities, inventories, users, reports and others, which generate useful information for decision making in the industry.
We interconnect systems through the internet, which are responsible for capturing activity information from sensors, software and other technologies, and by using artificial intelligence, we satisfy the needs of our clients by generating the appropriate results automatically.
Adaptation to changes and customer needs, quickly and efficiently, so that all tools and solutions remain valid in such a changing market, from the reduction or expansion of the modules that make up a system, according to the needs of the client.
Ecosystem Global Primex

Our system is made up of a series of assembled modules in order to generate the ideal system for your operation.
Implementation of algorithms for the automation of the client's activities, accompanying the operators in the development of the activities, providing feedback to the client autonomously according to the results of each activity.
Our clients have all our resources in an integral way. Our tools are available in the cloud, and every month all our clients get updates.
We provide the necessary cloud infrastructure to access all our tools and solutions, where all the data generated by the client is processed and stored.
We deploy development environments for the deployment and implementation of the client's needs, from small apps to complex systems for the solution of their needs.
Our catalog is made up of a large number of tools tailored to your needs: monitoring systems, robotics, manufacturing systems, production tools, operational intelligence, and others, ready for deployment and implementation.
Implementation of artificial intelligence tools to solve customer problems. Using our infrastructure in the cloud, each client can access the necessary modules, in addition to adjusting, customizing and programming the available tools, according to their needs.

Evolution of Business Innovation

1970 – 1995
The beginning of personal computers.
Birth of Silicon Valley.
Client server architecture.
Perforated codes and telephony.
1995 – 2008
The rise of the internet.
Internet/ Web Computing.
US dot com innovation
Infrastructure and desktop applications.
2009 – 2018
Appearance of the cloud and smartphones.
Global Expansion.
Cloud Computing.
Mobile and cloud applications.
2018 – Actualidad
Widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence.
World Innovation.
Edge Computing.
Transformative AI infrastructure and applications.
Our Clientes

Tools for
Industry 4.0
Modular and scalable system to measure. Your operation evolves, we do it with you
El nuevo paradigma “HMAS” (Human Management Accompaniment System) desarrollado para realizar inteligentemente la gestión operativa, a través de una serie de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para gestionar los equipos tecnológicos en el sitio de trabajo, asignar tareas, dar seguimiento a procesos, monitorear resultados, y demás, con el fin de auxiliar a los operadores a alcanzar los resultados esperados.
Apps and tools implemented to work with and without connection to the cloud. These are essential for the processing of data in the activities of the collaborators and with it that the client obtains adequate and true results.
Cada actividad genera datos, para lo que disponemos de herramientas de captura, con ello alimentar nuestro sistema de IA, y que cada cliente obtenga la retroalimentación esperada.
We use the best technology so that each data, image, change or action carried out is accompanied by the necessary signatures and brands so that everything the client does on their platform is transparent and transversal.
Design and implementation of the client's business rules, customizing our solutions to fit the needs, and executing the required plan to obtain the expected results.
Implementation of artificial intelligence systems to provide feedback to collaborators according to the result of each activity, adjusting the operational plan autonomously according to the conditions in which the activities are carried out.
Our Business Partners

In Mexico
Rs Río Sonora Plaza. Boulevard Paseo Río Sonora #556, Col. Proyecto Río Sonora C.P. 83270 Interior #556-J
En otros países